16. april – 14. maj 2010
Fernisering fredag d. 16. maj. Kl. 17 -20



« Datter og barnebarn af farmaceutiske forskere, hele Susplugas' kunstprojekt er baseret på medicin, narkotika, og hvad hun kalder" pille bulimi "en hypokonder, med et hektisk forbrug af medicin, der kan identificeres overalt i vores samfund. Medicin er ikke så meget emnet som en døråbner til en antropologisk undersøgelse. Medicin, siger hun, "er et spejl af ethvert samfunds smerter," ved hjælp af forskellige betydninger af ordet, er det strategien at vise moderne betingelser for ensomhed. »
(Alice Pfeiffer, art i USA, marts 2010)

Hendes arbejde har en tematisk snarere end stilistisk kærne: I hendes shows, videoer, fotografier (hovedsagelig makro-fotografering) arbejder værkerne sammen og supplerer hinanden.

Hendes tegninger af flasker på række (serie Containers) - midtvejs mellem et hospitals natbord og et stillbillede fra Usual Suspects, er et tilbagevendende element i hendes shows.
Disse rekonstruerede sætninger findes i mainstream medier, citater fra forfattere (Marie Darrieussecq, Bret Easton Ellis, Michel Houellebecq, Lucía Etxebarria ...), musikere
(Li Zon Sheng), politikere osv eller i reklame bannere, som hun omskriver til labels på medicnflasker – disse antyder den usagte fortvivlelse hos misbrugeren.
(Alice Pfeiffer, art i USA, marts 2010)

For år tilbage, var Jeanne Susplugas især optaget af handel med narkotika - fra diskrete gadehandler på hjørnet (Speed tilbud, c-print, 2008; Box profit og Container fortjeneste, c-prints, 2008) til den enorme import / eksportindustri i medicinalindustrien.
Fra blå til hvide piller, tabletterne synes uskadelige ... ikke rigtig narkotika, men faren lurer alligevel bag dem.
30 til 70% af de lægemidler, der sælges i Afrika, Latinamerika og Asien menes at være varemærkeforfalskede eller efterligninger.
Det falske pulver i de ægte kapsler finder vej til markederne i Abidjan og Shenzen, og giver god grund til bekymring. (Series of "Sale's kvinder", tegninger, 2007-2010).
Nu og da sker det dog at toldvæsnet konfiskerer disse uvuderlige varer. Vi blev langt mere bevidste om fænomenet « falske piller » i ødelæggelsen af netop disse lægemidler (masseødelæggelsesvåben, installation, 2007-2008).

I videoen "Plan iode," som er lavet i samarbejde med den franske kunstner Alain Declercq, udforsker Susplugas denne situation på en mere åbenlys måde. Filmet i ca. tyve forskellige apoteker, fanger denne film "en bevægelse" omkring disse eftertragtede piller og stiller tvivl om deres fremtidige anvendelse. Gennem et enkelt og effektivt synspunkt formår filmen på én gang at afsløre og skjule hvad der sker mellem apokalyptisk fantasi og på oversigten over dagens apoteker på nettet. Med lægemidler som sit omdrejningspunkt, er vi igen tilbage til at stille spørgsmålstegn ved fordelingen og det endelige bestemmelsessted for denne type medicin.

Født I 1974 I Montpellier, Frankrig, Susplugas bor i Paris og arbejder over hele verden.

Hendes værker er og har været udstillet steder som Musée d’Art Moderne, Grenoble ; Musée d'Art Moderne, St Etienne, France; MOCCA and V-Tape, Toronto; ; Kunst-werke, Berlin; Wyspa Institut of Art, Gdansk, Poland ; Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena ; Fresnoy National Studio, Fresnoy, France; Musée d'Art du Guangdong, Canton; Shangai Biennal; Ulrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Wishita; Villa Medicis, Rome; Careof, Milan; National Museum, Bratislava, Slovaquia; Alexandria Biennal, Egypt; The Korean Culture Service, New York; Ewha Art center, Seoul; Center Soros for Contemporary Art, Kiev; Kunstverein Nuremberg and Hamburg, Germany, Art in General, New York, bland andre steder.

Hendes film har været vist steder som Hors Pistes, Centre Pompidou, Paris, the 59. International Film Festival, Locarno, Swizerland, 9e Festival Traverse video, France;
Die 7 Rencontres Internationales Paris Berlin, Berlin, among others.

Hendes udstillinger har været anmeldt I Art in America, New York Times, Flash Art, Art Press, Le Monde, Le Figaro, Beaux-Arts Magazine, L'Oeil, Technikart, New York Arts, ArtNet, Asahi Newspaper, BT, Diario, blandt andet.

English version:

« The daughter and granddaughter of pharmaceutical researchers, Susplugas' entire oeuvre is based around medication, legal drugs, and what she calls "pill bulimia"
a hypochondriac, frenetic consumption of medications that she identifies as prevalent in France. Medicine isn't so much the subject as an entrypoint to anthropological inquiry. Medication, she says, "is a mirror of every society's pains," using the varied meanings of the word and the strategy to depict contemporary conditions of solitude. » (Alice Pfeiffer, Art in AMerica, March 2010)

Her work has a thematic rather than stylistic core: in her shows, videos, photographs (mainly macro-photography) and installations interact and complete each other.

Her drawings of bottles aligned (serie Containers) -– midway between a hospital night table and a still from Usual Suspects– are a recurring element of her shows. These reconstruct sentences found in mainstream media, citations from writers (Marie Darrieussecq, Bret Easton Ellis, Michel Houellebecq, Lucía Etxebarria…), musicians (Li Zon Sheng), politicians, etc or advertising panels, that she transcribes on labels of bottles – as if to suggest the unspoken despair of the drug taker. (Alice Pfeiffer, Art in AMerica, March 2010)

For a few years, Jeanne Susplugas is interested by the drugs traffic -- from the discreet street deal on the corner ( Speed deal , c-print, 2008 ; Box profit and Container profit,
c-prints, 2008) to the enormous import/export industry of the drug companies. From blue pills to white ones, thos tablets seem harmless... not really drugs, but there is a danger lurking behind them. With 30 to 70% of the medicines sold in Africa, Latin America and Asia being counterfeit or imitations, "true-fakes, true-imitations" they become a true puzzle! These counterfeit powders in regenerative capsules, or real drugs from the factory, make their way to markets in Abidjan or Shenzen and are of real worry (Series of "Sale's women", drawings, 2007-2010). Every now and then customs confiscate these invaluable goods. We became more aware of the phenomenon during the destruction of these medicines (Mass destruction, installation, 2007-2008).

In the video" Plan iode," made in collaboration with the French artist Alain Declercq, Susplugas explores this situation in a more blatant way. Shot in about twenty pharmacies, this film stages "a movement" on these desirable medicines, placing some doubt on their future use. Through a simple and effective panoramic viewpoint in the back shops of pharmacies, the film at once reveals and conceals "what happens" between apocalyptic fantasy and a site inventory of today's pharmacies. With drugs as its focal point, we are again left to question the distribution channel and the ultimate destination of these medicine.


Born in 1974 in Montpellier, France, Susplugas lives in Paris and works everywhere. Her work has been shown in places as Musée d’Art Moderne, Grenoble ; Musée d'Art Moderne, St Etienne, France; MOCCA and V-Tape, Toronto; ; Kunst-werke, Berlin; Wyspa Institut of Art, Gdansk, Poland ; Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena ; Fresnoy National Studio, Fresnoy, France; Musée d'Art du Guangdong, Canton; Shangai Biennal; Ulrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Wishita; Villa Medicis, Rome; Careof, Milan; National Museum, Bratislava, Slovaquia; Alexandria Biennal, Egypt; The Korean Culture Service, New York; Ewha Art center, Seoul; Center Soros for Contemporary Art, Kiev; Kunstverein Nuremberg and Hamburg, Germany, Art in General, New York, among others.
Her films have been presented in many festivals as Hors Pistes, Centre Pompidou, Paris, the 59. International Film Festival, Locarno, Swizerland, 9e Festival Traverse video, France; Die 7 Rencontres Internationales Paris Berlin, Berlin, among others.
Her work has been reviewed in Art in America, New York Times, Flash Art, Art Press, Le Monde, Le Figaro, Beaux-Arts Magazine, L'Oeil, Technikart, New York Arts, ArtNet, Asahi Newspaper, BT, Diario, among others.



Jeanne Susplugas - SURROUNDED runs from April 16th - May 14th. Vernissage Fridag April 16th, 5 pm - 8

Gallery Poulsen Contemporary Fine Arts
Frederiksholms Kanal 4, st. th. Gården
1220 Kbh. K. Tlf.+45 4015 5588
[email protected]
Opening hours: Wednesday thru Friday 13 -17, Saturday and every other day, by appointment, tel +45-40 15 55 88




"Disinfected" 120x80 cm, 2007, c-print
"Box Profit" 180 x 120 cm, 2008, c-print
"Eve" 180 x 120 cm, 2002, c-print
"Corridor" 180 x 120 cm, c-print, 2009

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