Mu Pan: ”Battles Without Honor and Humanity” 

January 13 - February 17

I have always been sympathizing with the troops that lost the great battles in any rebellious wars, because I admire their spirit in standing up for their faith and ideas, no matter what kind of political reason they were fighting for!
Mu Pan, 2018
Historiske konflikter og blodig suverænitet står på dagsordenen, når vi flænser 2018 åben med en retrospektiv soloudstilling af den rasende dygtige amerikansk-kinesiske kunstner, Mu Pan, og hans bestialske verden af grufulde slagmarker.
Blodige portrætter af faldne antihelte og meterlange scener af dyster politisk satire, indhyllet i ikoniske symboler, vælter os fuldstændigt bagover, når vi vover os ind på Mu Pans slagmark. Som en makaber historiefortæller, lægger han ingen fingre imellem, når han på brutal og nådesløs vis illustrerer de slagne soldater fra store historiske oprørskrige, sunket sammen og overladt til intetheden, hvis ikke de er bukket under, lænset af fjendens sværd.
”Battles Without Honor and Humanity” viser de mest grusomme og glorværdige højdepunkter fra de seneste 12 år af Mu Pans imponerende karriere som narrativ kunstner. Fælles for udstillingens 16 udvalgte storværker er et gennemgående tema om menneskets illusion om retfærdighed og medmenneskelighed. Udformet som dyr eller andre antropomorfe skikkelser, beretter Mu Pan om nogle af historiens største opgør i et særegent billedsprog, der afslører menneskets dårskab og dyrenes grænseløse magt. Hans fokus på de faldne krigeres nederlag udspringer af en aversion imod ideen omkring sejr og tab, der forleder os til helt mekanisk at følge sejrherrerne og deres ideologier.
En kolossal slagmark af blodsudgydelser mellem fiktive karakterer, historiske kamphaner og amerikanske arméer udspiller sig henover det fire meter lange lærred i udstillingens absolut største værk. Titlen, som værket deler med udstillingen, har Mu Pan lånt fra den japanske filminstruktør Kinji Fukasakus filmkrønike fra 1970erne, der portrætterer besejrede soldater fra 2. verdenskrig, der på kynisk vis indtager Hiroshimas underverden i efterkrigstiden. Filmene blev kendt for deres ultravoldelige og livagtigt dokumentariske stil, så fællesnævnerne er ikke just svære at få øje på i Mu Pans mindst ligeså brutale og skarpt udformede mesterværker.
Foruden Mu Pans levende fortællinger med dybe rødder i amerikansk og østasiatisk krigshistorie, hvorigennem han kanaliserer skyggesiden af menneskets natur, giver udstillingen også et indblik i hans kunstneriske udvikling gennem årene. De varierende udtryk og umiskendelige serier af samme fortælling vidner om en række overgange fra én fortællerstemme til en anden. Fra tegneseriestregen over i en mere abstrakt pensel i oliemaling til i dag, hvor akrylmaleriet er hans foretrukne narrativ.
Mu Pan har skabt en krigszone uden sidestykke, der med sikkerhed vil udfordre enhver, der drister sig til at træde ind. Glæd jer til at fare vild i hans rædselsvækkende slagmarker!
Udstillingen viser 16 olie- og akrylværker
Mu Pan vil være til stede til ferniseringen og tilgængelig for interviews.
Kontakt galleriet på [email protected] eller tlf. + 45 33 33 93 96 for nærmere information.

I have always been sympathizing with the troops that lost the great battles in any rebellious wars, because I admire their spirit in standing up for their faith and ideas, no matter what kind of political reason they were fighting for!
Mu Pan, 2018
Historical conflicts and gory sovereignty are on the agenda when we rip open 2018 with a retrospective solo show by the furiously skilled Chinese-American artist, Mu Pan, and his bestial world of terrifying battlefields.
Bloody portraits of fallen anti-heroes and meter-long scenery of gloomy political satire, wrapped in iconic symbols, completely knock us off our feet us as we venture into Mu Pan’s battlefield. As a macabre storyteller, he does not hold anything back as he brutally and mercilessly illustrates the slain soldiers from a great historical reign of war, collapsed and left to nothing, unless they have already succumb to the sword of the enemy.
"Battles Without Honor and Humanity" shows the most ferocious and glorious highlights from the past twelve years of Mu Pan's impressive career as a narrative artist. The common denominator of the sixteen selected grandiose works of the exhibition is a continuous theme of the human illusion of justice and humanity. Shaped as animals or other anthropomorphic figures, Mu Pan recounts some of the greatest battles of history in a distinctive imagery that reveals the human folly and the boundless power of the animals. His focus on the defeat of the fallen warriors derives from an aversion against the idea of victory and loss that leaves us mechanically following the victories and their ideologies.
A massive battlefield of bloodshed between fictional characters, historical warlords and American armies spreads over the four-meter canvas in the absolute greatest work of the exhibition. Mu Pan has borrowed the title of both the artwork and the exhibition from the Japanese film director Kinji Fukasaku’s film chronicles from the 1970s, depicting defeated WWII troops who cynically occupy Hiroshima's underworld in the post-war era of Japan. The films became known for their ultra-violent and vivid documentary style - lucid traits that are not difficult to spot in Mu Pan’s equally brutal and sharply designed masterpieces.
In addition to Mu Pan's vivid narratives with deep roots in American and East Asian war history, through which he channels the shadow side of human nature, the exhibition also gives an insight into his artistic development over the years. The varying expressions and unmistakable series of the same narrative bear witness to a number of transitions from one narrator voice to another. From cartooning to a more abstract brush in oil painting to today, where acrylic painting is his preferred narrative.
Mu Pan has created a war zone without comparison, which will assuredly challenge anyone who dares to step in. Let yourselves get lost in his terrifying battlefields!
The exhibition shows 16 acrylic and oil paintings.
Mu Pan will be present at the opening and available for interviews.
Contact the gallery at [email protected] or tel. + 45 33 33 93 96 for further information.
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view

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