"The Wild Bunch" - New Art From New York #3?
Gallery Poulsen 2013 Summer Group show
June 21 - July 20
Marts 2013 blev en måned fuld af fart og vildskab i Gallery Poulsen. Det blev til endnu et spændende besøg i Brooklyn, New York, hvor mit øje blev fanget af en ustyrlighed og en løsriven fra, hvad man ellers er blevet så vant til at se på. Under kunstmessen Volta i New York blev dette års sommerudstilling kurateret, hvilket resulterede i, at 15 kunstnere fra Brooklyns gådefulde afkroge er blevet hentet hjem til Danmark med deres vildskab og utrolige kreativitet.
Med titlen ”The Wild Bunch” refereres der til den gamle westernklassiker fra 1969 af samme navn, instrueret af Sam Peckinpah med William Holden i hovedrollen. ?Filmen chokerede med sin grafiske og realistiske skildring af vold og brutalt-eksplicitte blodbade, men blev alligevel hyldet for sin realistiske fortolkning af det døende Vesten i begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede.? Den samme voldsomhed og sprælskhed ses i Gallery Poulsens gruppeudstilling her til sommer.?
Kunstnerne i gruppeudstillingen mestrer hver især deres genre og medie.? Olie, kridt, kollage, akvarel, blyant, kuglepen og akryl bliver kastet i alle retninger, når the Wild Bunch går i gang. Fra surrealisme til magisk realisme og hele vejen over til science fiction og popart bliver beskueren kastet frem og tilbage mellem disse spektakulære universer.?
Som kugler, der suser om ørene på de stakkels civile, der må lider under Vestens hårde kår, må beskueren overgive sig til denne vilde flok kunstnere og lade sig ramme lige i hjertet med deres fantastiske talenter. Ligesom de lovløse mænd i ”The Wild Bunch”, der var af en sådan kaliber, som kunne skabe det nye Vesten, sådan skaber nu en flok amerikanske New York-baserede kunstnere den nye standard og sætter nye grænser for kunsten…
Udstillingen består i alt af 15 kunstner:? Aaron Johnson, Adam Stennett, Alfred Steiner, Barnaby Whitfield, Christian Rex van Minnen, Daniel Davidson, Debra Hampton, Eric White, Isaac Arvold, Jean Pierre Roy, Josh Jordan, Michael Scoggins, Ryan Michael Ford, Ryan Bradley, Tom Sanford, alle fra USA, hvor 8 er helt nye i Gallery Poulsen.?
Udstillingen giver mulighed for, at se hvad der bliver det helt nye, og hvad der rører på sig over Atlanten.
For mere information kontakt Morten Poulsen [email protected] / +45 4015 5588
"The Wild Bunch" - New Art From New York # 3
Gallery Poulsen 2013 Summer Group show
Opening June 21st from 5 - 7pm
March 2013 was a month full of speed and ferocity at Gallery Poulsen. On another exciting visit to all hidden corners of Brooklyn, New York, something different and vibrant from what we have otherwise been accustomed to looking at caught my eye. And so during the Volta art fair in New York, this year's summer exhibition 'The Wild Bunch' was curated resulting in a group of 15 artists that bring with them a wildness and incredible creativity while each being a master of their genre and media.
The exhibition takes its title from the 1969 Western classic "The Wild Bunch" starring William Holden and directed by Sam Peckinpah. While the film shocked with its graphic and realistic portrayal of violence and explicit carnage it nevertheless garnered praise for its unflinching reinterpretation of the dying West of the early 20th century. This same graphic passion courses through the summer group exhibition 'The Wild Bunch' at Gallery Poulsen.
'The Wild Bunch' starts working as the oil, chalk, collage, watercolor, pencil, pen and acrylic gets thrown in all directions. From Surrealism to magic realism all the way to science fiction and pop art the viewer is thrown back and forth amongst these spectacular universes. As did the bullets fly under the Old West's harsh conditions, the viewer here must surrender to this wild bunch of artists letting their talent hit them like a shot through the heart.
Like those lawless men that rode in on a blaze of glory to create the new West the artists of 'The Wild Bunch' summer exhibition at Gallery Poulsen set a new and wild standard.
The exhibition comprises a total of 15 artists from the US (8 of which are showing for the first time with Gallery Poulsen):
Aaron Johnson, Adam Stennett, Alfred Steiner, Barnaby Whitfield, Christian Rex van Minnen, Daniel Davidson, Debra Hampton, Eric White, Isaac Arvold, Jean Pierre Roy, Josh Jordan, Michael Scoggins, Ryan Bradley, Ryan Michael Ford, and Tom Sanford
Come see what's new and hot from the other side of the Atlantic in "The Wild Bunch" summer group show exhibition at Gallery Poulsen.
For more info please contact Morten Poulsen [email protected] / +45 4015 5588
"The Wild Bunch" - New Art From New York #3
Gallery Poulsen 2013 Summer Group show
Featuring: Aaron Johnson, Adam Stennett, Alfred Steiner, Barnaby Whitfield, Christian Rex van Minnen,
Daniel Davidson, Debra Hampton, Eric White, Isaac Arvold, Jean-Pierre Roy, Josh Jordan,
Michael Scoggins, Ryan Michael Ford, Tom Sanford, Ryan Bradley, All from the US
June 21st to July 20th
Opening Friday june 21st from 5-7 pm