"Random Galaxy II for T.J Newton" Acrylic on canvas, 195 x 285 cm, 2012

Vuk Vidor er tilbage!

Vuk Vidors billedunivers er så slagkraftigt, at selv superhelte bliver slået omkuld. Hans figurer er brutale overmennesker, der vil fremad, men som møder tunge forhindringer undervejs. Vuk Vidors billeder og deres forførende fortællinger er blevet udstillet over det meste af Kloden, men hovedsageligt i Paris, New York, Berlin og Madrid samt i Beograd, som er Vuks fødeby.
Denne nye udstilling har titlen ”Newton” og er Vuks fjerde soloudstilling i Gallery Poulsen – den første, ”Even Superheroes Can’t Save Us Now”, fandt sted tilbage i 2008. ”Newton” åbner den 22. februar.

Omdrejningspunktet for udstillingen er rumvæsenet Newton, personificeret af David Bowie i filmen ”The Man Who Fell to Earth” fra 1976. Filmen baserer sig på Walter Tevis roman af samme navn, der blev udgivet for præcis 50 år siden. Historien handler om et rumvæsen, der kommer til Jorden for at stjæle vand hjem til sin egen, tørre planet. Rumvæsenet – med det fulde navn Thomas Jerome Newton – fejler og må blive på Jorden, hvor han trods økonomisk succes ender som alkoholiseret vrag.

Vuk Vidors blik på verden er sjældent mildt, og det gælder også i denne udstilling. Hans billeder stiller kritiske spørgsmål til de værdier, vi ellers anser som sikre. Er vi de naturlige, privilegerede herskere i universet, eller er menneskeheden blot en lille ubetydelig prik i Altet? Er mennesket enestående klogt eller lallende naivt?

Om udstillingen siger Vuk Vidor selv:
>>Newton er et privilegeret vidne i vores verden, i vores samfund, i vores liv, i vores vaner. Hans perspektiv er unikt. Og Newton, manden fra stjernerne, bliver et orakel; en mand af potentielt lys og visdom, der er fanget mellem den menneskelige labyrint og hans længsel efter galaksen. Fanget mellem det øvre og det nedre, mellem det humane og det fremmede. Han er en permanent gæst midt i vores kompleksiteter, paradokser og sindssyge. Newton er vort spejl.<<

Værkerne i udstillingen er tegninger, malerier, skulpturer, assemblager. Newton-projektet omfatter også en bog, som er tilgængelig via dette link Newton Book

Vuk vil være tilstede i København 20.-25. februar, kontakt Morten Poulsen på +45 4015 5588 for mere information.

Vuk Vidor is back!

Vuk Vidor’s pictorial universe is so powerful that even superheroes are being knocked over. His figures are brutal super humans who want to go forward but are facing heavy obstacles along the way. Vuk Vidor’s images and their seductive stories have been exhibited all over the globe, but mainly in Paris, New York, Berlin and Madrid as well as in Belgrade, which is Vuk’s hometown.
This new exhibition entitled "Newton" is Vuk’s fourth solo exhibition at Gallery Poulsen - the first, "Even Superheroes Can’t Save Us Now", took place back in 2008. "Newton" opens on February 22nd.

The focal point of the exhibition is the alien Newton, personified by David Bowie in the movie "The Man Who Fell to Earth" from 1976. The film is based on Walter Tevis novel of the same name, which was released exactly 50 years ago. The story is about an alien who comes to earth to steal water home to his own, dry planet. The alien - with the full name Thomas Jerome Newton - fails and must stay on Earth, where he despite economic success ends up as an alcoholic wreck.

Vuk Vidor’s view of the world is rarely mild, and this also applies in this exhibition. His paintings ask critical questions to the values we otherwise consider as safe. Are we the natural, privileged rulers of the universe, or is humanity just a little tiny dot in the ALL? Are humans unique wise or babbling naive?

Vuk Vidor on the exhibition:
“Newton is a privileged witness in our world, in our community, in our lives, in our habits. His perspective is unique. And Newton, the man from the stars, becomes an oracle, a man of potentially light and wisdom, caught between the human labyrinth and his longing for the galaxy. Trapped between the upper and lower, between the human and the foreign. He is a permanent guest in the middle of our complexities, paradoxes and insanity. Newton is our mirror.”

The works in the exhibition are drawings, paintings, sculptures and assemblages. The Newton project also includes a book, which is available via this link Newton Book

Vuk will be present in Copenhagen 20th-25th February, contact Morten Poulsen at +45 4015 5588 for more information.


"Study for Newton # 4" Acrylic on canvas, 130x195 cm, 2013
"Study for Newton with Birds" Ink and acrylic on canvas, 130x162cm, 2013
"Study for Newton # 5" Acrylic on canvas, 130x195cm, 2013
"Study for Newton with Vessels" Ink and acrylic on canvas, 130x162cm, 2013
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view

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